Florida State University
Legacy Hall

Driven by FSU’s ambition to create lasting legacies, this new facility for the College of Business will empower students and faculty to push boundaries, engage in cutting-edge research, and explore across disciplines to spark new knowledge.
Practice area

Uniting business school and business community
Legacy Hall presents a tremendous opportunity to create a multi-functional, collaborative, and flexible environment for teaching, research, and learning. The building will serve as home to a wide range of dedicated spaces for student resources and enrichment. These include the university’s Center for Career and Professional Development, Sales Institute, Undergrad Collaboration Commons, Entrepreneurial Center, and Analytics Lab, as well as intimate business “mixer” areas, a real estate “war room,” and a real-time behavioral research laboratory.
Legacy Hall will also feature a variety of flexible teaching spaces to accommodate various programs and disciplines, advancing the College’s mission of strengthening links between the academic and business communities.

auditorium seats will allow the college to host distinguished guest lecturers and visiting professors
increase in student space compared to the existing College of Business facility
Legacy Hall promises to accelerate our transformation into one of the nation’s—indeed the world’s—elite business schools.
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Project Team
Ambient Air Technologies, LLC
Anne Hicks Harney, LLC
Ardaman & Associates
EMI Architects
Jensen Hughes
Moore Bass Consulting
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
Vanderweil Engineers