St. Mark's School
Patterson-Sculley House

Accented with handcrafted, sustainably-sourced features and designed to foster a sense of “home away from home,” this new residence hall encourages students to cultivate a sense of belonging and build community at multiple scales.
Practice area
Fulfilling a founding vision: a “school under one roof”
Filled with natural light, the Patterson-Scully House is a three-story residential building that creates a singular new home for students at the heart of campus. Seeking to foster a strong sense of community that benefits and supports all St. Markers, Goody Clancy designed every detail with the student experience in mind. From study nooks and common rooms to an experiential learning-focused “classroom in the sky” that overlooks Belmont Field, every facet of the space encourages students to participate in the life of the building.

This building will set the stage for what residential life looks like at St. Mark’s in the years to come.

High sustainability marks for St. Mark’s
Featuring a rooftop solar array as well as state-of-the-art glazing and HVAC systems, the building was designed to satisfy multiple sustainability standards. Passive House Certification standards led us to dramatically reduce energy use for heating and cooling, while Living Building Challenge Materials standards resulted in using only materials that are Red-List free.

Of the building’s energy needs will be provided by a rooftop solar array
Of the building’s power will be electric, with no fossil fuels used for heating
Trees harvested from the site for reuse in the building in the form of wall paneling and furniture
This building is going to provide all the opportunities that we want and need to be a collaborative, collective community, and to be the best St. Mark’s that we can be.
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Project Team
A.T. Leonard & Associates
Collaborative Lighting, LLC
Richard D. Kimball Company
RSE Associates
Stefura Associates
Whitman & Bingham Associates
Robert Umenhofer